About this blog

During this recent bout of eczema I have been researching it on the internet, looking for cures, reasons why I have it etc and during that process I decided it might be a good idea to keep a journal so I can look back and see what worked and what didnt and maybe others could too.

This is also my first ever blog.

4 Responses to “About this blog”

  1. dana Says:

    I am not even sure what a blog is but I wanted to see if anyone knows if there is a relationship with cancer and excema? My 6 year old daughter has had excema most of her life(yes we used eladel allot) She was diagnosed with a rare lung cancer in Sept 2007. It was muceopidermoid carcinoma of the bronchus.Any thoughts? Anyone?

  2. scratchit Says:

    I’ve not heard of any link.

    Perhaps someone else might know…

  3. Annie Says:

    There isn’t a link between eczema and cancer but there is one between Elidel and cancer. I used Protopic sparingly and have not had cancer, but there have been several cases where people who used Elidel or Protopic frequently had cancer later. I’m very sorry about your daughter Dana and hope that she improves!

  4. Michael Says:


    There might be slight connection with a special kind of skin cancer and eczema. The connection with Elidel and Protopic is speculative AFAIK.

    Can you set a link to my site?

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