Dry Skin in Winter

Our new office is really hot and dry, my eyes were getting a bit itchy but now my skin is really drying up – especially on my face, don’t think its eczema but its early days – something to look forward to.

Is there anything you can do to stop the air indoors being so dry?

I saw this on another blog which might be of use:

What are your tips for beating winter dryness?

3 Responses to “Dry Skin in Winter”

  1. drunkenspaniel Says:

    Idoors being so dry – the answer is real plants, ones you have to water.
    Our health and safety people recommended it for an office that contains a lot of computers (which dry the air out considerably).
    Give it a try!

    Spaniel xx


  2. scratchit Says:

    That’s a good idea.

    I’ll pick some up after Christmas.


  3. Veronica Says:

    I would try to keep the skin moist try vasoline.

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